IdP discovery search interfaces should follow these recommendations when displaying the results of institution searches.

  • Display institutional name

  • Display institution domain, in addition to the institution name, to show users that they will be taken to a different site.

  • Institutional icons should only be shown if the do not impact performance.
    Note: Search results without icons tested effectively and users were able to find their institutions.

  • Limit the number of displayed search results to 25 choices.

  • If the number of matches from type ahead is too large to have reasonable confidence of a relevant match displaying near the top of the list (e.g., greater than 10),  prompt users to type more characters before displaying the matches. But also give them a way to view the list anyway  (Link to error handing section or put details here? 

Handling long institution names in the results display

Long names should be truncated to fit the available width of the IdP discovery service results panel. 


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